Why Oscillations?

I grew up racing small sailboats in Dublin Bay. The more I look for ways to be smarter in work and life, the more I find parallel experiences and frameworks in my experiences at sea, linkages I completely missed as a youngster. So I’m digging throug my memories finding patterns, much like a well-prepared sailboat racer tries to mape the oscillations in a gradient breeze, the gradual to-and-fro movement of the wind direction that give you your operating range on a racecourse. The person with the best data, the best understanding of patterns, tends to make the fewest mistakes, and thus comes out ahead.

How often will I get this?

I would love to say there will be a regular cadence but that is highly unlikely. I’d rather give you something thoughtful and occasional than hurried and regular.

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Scanning for opportunity. Winds of change, that sort of thing.


Co-founder of NOAN. Building teams & audiences in digital media since 2010.